29 May 2007


Ever got frustrated because someone else is inefficient at work?

My experience today nearly caught me in "flames"! Went out in the early morning to avoid traffic and crowd. Arrived at the place happy and exchanged the old items for my new ones. I checked through them thinking that everything is in order and signed for it. Glad that it was an early start, I went for my groceries items, spending a good morning there!

Arrived at home and started trying the new items and found out 2 of the items were too big! I called and enquired on the size in their computers and WALA! It was a different size. I had to travel back there to change for the correct ones! I could not believe myself. I was angry at myself for not checking thoroughly enough, yet, it was clearly stated both on the form and in the system! They even checked before handing over to me! How inefficient were they! I took a cab again, this time the cab driver thought I did not know the way and drove me to another place wanting me to get off! I DEMANDED and directed him to where I wanted to go! Got there mad, and they even asked where I was staying before handing over the right stuff! Arghhh. Thankfully I met a mate there who offered to give me a ride back home. I was so near to telling them not to waste my time. They were lucky I met someone kind who turned me sweet! Not the first incident with them! Wasted my time and money on transport.

So a lesson to learn, always check things with sizes before heading to home sweet home. One greater lesson, never trust and depend on the people working "here" (shall not mention)!

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