02 September 2007

My Day

Another day of mine spent with a box of tissue papers, hot drinks, water and medication. Day 3 of my cold. Starting to get better I should say.

What frustrates me is my sleep. It has been a few weeks that I know I am not well rested. That kind of sleep that I now miss but wonder where it has disappeared too. Maybe I am sleeping all this while but my body is reacting to the sleeping debts I have been owing! Ha... serve me right I guess. I just hope I will recover soon to be able to run the normal activities.

Music has been accompanying me all this while. Each piece is as unique, sets different moods, emotions and thoughts. The instruments alone or used to put together with words that paint pictures. Some pieces are created from past experiences, others future that they look forward to or dreams they dare. They say music is life, it is.

I have been listening to many of my old favourites over and over again. Discovered new ones as well. It's like falling in love again with a different appreciation for each piece.

Being appreciated in a different way by unique listeners.
Relating to experiences that start us as beginners.
Listening to the words that paint a thousand pictures.
Wondering into the worlds of many futures.
Hearting the moments of the little worlds.
Missing all those that make my treasure worlds...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

music and u.

hope u get well soon. tissue pls :)
