01 September 2007


How often do we really sit down and count our blessings? Have you, do you, will you?

I did today... being sick I guess I did slow down my thoughts.
When I do count my blessings, I feel overwhelmed with gratitude.

For the friends I have - from school, work, social events and others.
We all lead our own lives now don't we? However, the care and concern that many have showered me with, I cannot describe how much they mean to me. From the littlest thoughts, words and actions, I truly appreciate. I really am blessed with such friends and I am most thankful. They share my life, my innermost thoughts. They stood by my side and gave me support. They feel without being told. They understand without being asked. They care for me passionately and help me see things in a different light.
My ups and downs are just so much better with them around!

For the little "elmoies" I have - they have moved to the next stage of school life.
The little efforts to say hi and drop me a few lines. Recently one called me to ask how I am, just as when I needed it most. The other sent an email to update on his progress.
A very innocent text came on my phone the other day when I was in London.
"Hi, I can't sleep, because I remember you... what are you doing....? Love, Hanan...."
That name strikes, my heart melted that instant and memories poured through. I know at least I have made a difference. They make a difference in my life too.
And by the way, it's Teachers' Day, Happy Teachers' Day to those who have made a difference and those who are making a difference to the world's little gifts.
You cannot make a difference to every single one but even to just one, it makes that one's world different!

For the family I have, the goodness in my life, for every breath I take, for all the big and small things, even the littlest, tiniest, microscopic ones ... aren't all these blessings?
I thank you... for those who have been part of my life...

For you out there, start counting your blessings today! Surprise yourself and be blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its a blessing to know u :)
