03 November 2007

October ends, November's here!

First of all, let me tick off the checklist created for October.

1. Vitamins intake daily. 2. 3 Litres of water daily (excluding alcohol). 4. Avoid coffee when sleepy.8. A weekend visit to SIN for friends and party (swaps of duties!!!).---> to be in action plan again...ooops!

3. Cook a meal for friends (chicken curry requested).
5. Party after Ramadan!
6. Save for mummy's trip (means no shopping).
7. Delete items from lappie to free memory space.
9. Snapshots of Venice.
10. Checked this list by end October.

tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick......DONE!!!!

Not bad at all.. 60% accomplished! Heee.... the rest of the 40% oops...either cannot help it or done in bits and pieces!

November is here finally! My cells that are leaning towards Christmas... growing!!! The claws to my friends and love ones wide, yearning to reach them!!!

November Rain - G n R, all time favez!

I just cannot wait to be in the air and surroundings that I am familiar with!

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