11 November 2007


Experiences, what does this word mean to you?

As you strive to understand the ever changing environment,
Why not pause and reflect on the things that were dear to you so far?
Probably you are still living with the wounds,
Have they not brought you to a different heights in life?
Do not despair, as the saying goes,
No pain, no gain.

We may be too focus on the daily walks,
That we have forgotten the wealth in experiences.
The steps that we are taking now,
Are they not affected by the past experiences?
The decisions we make now,
Are they not somehow based on the experiences?
The dares and fears we face now,
Are they not the sprouts of the experiences?
We keep learning from experiences,
Be it good or bad, the richness of them,
is the lessons gained.

The weather changes without warning at times,
Does that matter if we are always ready to embrace?
The sun shines and goes,
Moon appears and hides,
Clouds form and pass,
Rain pours and stops.
Temperature rises and drops.
What do you see in each of the weather?
How do you make best use of the weather at that moment?
Not catching moments of those times,
Will you not regret?
For the same weather will never repeat.
The strength of the sun, the brightness of the moon,
the shapes of the clouds, the amount of rain and the temperature,
they are different and unique everyday if you think about it.
Each day brings a different feel.
Each day brings new experiences.
What is it today that makes yesterday and tomorrow different?

Experiences, welcome or avoid them?

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