30 June 2007


Respect is earned they say.
Treat others the way you want to be treated, that is the way.
Put yourself into the shoes of others before you act than sway.

Recently been treated in ways that put me down. Even after my self reflection, I can safely say I deserve better. If there is still humanity on earth... Of course there are others out there who shine and adds sweetness to my daily. I cannot explain how I am feeling right now, the whole world seems dark, heavy and unhappy. I am like a dog crushed in a car seat, helplessly trying to set self free. I have started to treat people I meet with caution, putting a shield over me. No longer like before. Why? Enough of being too nice and getting pushed around and over a certain limit.

It makes me wonder, people who treat others with disrespect, what has education done to them? Were the teachers, parents, environment, friends or society make them so blind? Or do they simply want to be out cast? Do they think they are that great among the earthlings that gives them the right to treat people with disrespect, that they have their own private unlimited company every where they go?

Day in and out, we all work in one profession or the other. It is our job to do it right with responsibilities. Not to be told what to do, how to do it and be customised and personalised for use! I think the way we treat others, is a true reflection of the person we are in us. Let's all remind each other, everyone of us deserves the basic respect unless we sabotage ourselves of our worthiness. Why make the world a less happy place when you can make a difference in one's life?

Treat others well to their worthiness.
Think before you act.

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