15 April 2008

Tiredness or Burnt-Out?

Lately been feeling strange. Tiredness suddenly becomes a noun I have to deal with. A noun I struggled explaining to people. Tiredness prolonged is fatigue? I guess I am in that zone. In a way, I stopped enjoying what I do. Everything just paused. All I want to do is rest, doing nothing. Not even going out. What is happening to me? I googled and found the following.


It becomes pretty alarming for me. Maybe all this while, I have not been taking good care. Oh well... Stubborn Bibi, what's new?

It well could be burnt-out.
Definition of burnt-out: exhausted as a result of longtime stress.
Anyway, if you happen to have the following warning signs, you know you need a change before it worsens.

1.Chronic fatigue - exhaustion, tiredness, a sense of being physically run down
2.Anger at those making demands
3.Self-criticism for putting up with the demands
4.Cynicism, negativity, and irritability
5.A sense of being besieged
6.Exploding easily at seemingly inconsequential things
7.Frequent headaches and gastrointestinal disturbances
8.Weight loss or gain
9.Sleeplessness and depression
10.Shortness of breath
12.Feelings of helplessness

13.Increased degree of risk taking

We all feel tired once in awhile. We all need a break. Have you been feeling like I do? Time for a slight change in order to enjoy life yeah?

For me now, I guess I have to learn to deal with it. Being based here does not help. I have myself to deal with! I wonder why I feel so tired, physically and emotionally. Could be the job getting into me... Press on Bibi! You can do it!
Looking forward to a good break! Counting down...

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