01 December 2007

Happy looking forward!

Was trying to sleep more. Guess the worries are more. Not in the best physically to perform duties I suppose. However, I need to cover back the hours for this month in order to recover from the financial outputs. Also, in preparation for a great HOME Xmas!

Come to think of it. It has been years that I have not done my favourite Xmas shopping! Probably get myself a pretty dress or dresses? A gift for self? The joy of giving! Nothing big, they always say, thoughts that count! Remember those younger days, we used to make cards, mugs and little gifts for love ones! Now with busy schedule, most of us spend instead. Hmmmm.... what will I be doing this year?

I am already very excited to be going back for a home Xmas! With mummy, friends and special ones! Next, I guess I have to come up with a list of people I want to send my greetings to! WOW... not easy now that everyone is so not in action. =( Ah well.... life isn't it?

What's for Xmas then? Parties parties and more parties? Drinking till no tomorrow? Xmas house parties? Santa papa and Xmas trees with prezzies to discover? Home may not have the best Xmas spirit compared to European countries. However, it's the people that make my festive season count! Not where but who I have! I am really looking forward to time passing fast for now and gets by slower when I am back in the arms of my friends!

Dear Santa, I have been a good girl, please send joy, peace and love to all who mean to me! If you have spare time, come visit me and let's have Chivas on the rocks!

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