31 January 2008


My out of order states are getting onto my nerves. All that is in my head now equates to NegativeSssssssss.
After my disappointed trip to Milan, I got back and could not make it to Perth. Guess the cold weather and the sleep or no sleep at ungodly timing caused everything to come down on me. Had fever on and off and now that is better, I am starting to sneeze. Had to take the drowsy medication to make myself sleep in awhile.
My resolution of a healthy diet and sleeping pattern is really in a big mess. I either really eat unhealthy stuff and feel hungry after that or out of boredom stuffed myself with excess food. At some other times, I don't eat at all but take on drinks too much for my empty stomach to handle. No wonder my weight is not of my ideal... good reflection at least. Ballooning is one of the after effect of such. How irritating can this be. I just want to lead a normal healthy life! No discipline plus environment and work timings - ah!!! Which to handle first?!?
Things around me too - not in good order. My schedule for February is disrupted due to the inefficiency of people in the company. Shall not go through the ordeal of describing in details. In short, the inefficiency, inaccuracy, improper management, incorrect protocols, unresponsive systems created all the inconveniences for many of those like me!
Right, I am starting to feel the effect of the tiny yellow pill... my next entry - Positives?

Oh negatives, please do not eat me up.
Oh negatives, you kill my senses out.
Please - not up but out!

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