10 December 2007

So much going on!!!

Guess the last update I had on blog was way too outdated! Seriously, too many things been happening around me. That many I have forgotten where to start. Shall I just dropped them?

Let me give a summary of my health status because many out there are wondering why I am missing from actions! I miss the gang I hang out with here. But till I get better, I then can make a good comeback!
Since August been down with flu on and off till NOW! Can you believe that?!? I wonder if I am weak or it's just the environment I am in. The ever changing weather plays a part too? *shrugs* Besides that, my old injury on my back has been giving me some problems. It is getting unbearable. Ya, I know I am stubborn but at first I thought it could be just aches from overwork or strains. I thought it was body ache from the flu. Now I am suffering from it. It is irritating though as I cannot function proper. My routines been interrupted for a month due to that! Oh no, fats deposit again! EEEKS! For now, my concern is, if it is going to deteriorate or get better.

Friends here seem all busy and away for leave at different timings. So, gradually, dispersal of the party goers! Friends back home seem so busy and caught up with things. Friends somewhere else around the globe seem to be having some great changes in life! Wherever they are, I just hope they are happy with what's going on for them in life!

Talking about friends, I recently realised we all have different views on friendship. An old mate of mine quoted, "Friends come and go....", that's his view. I agree to some extent. However, true friends stay no matter what. True friends do not judge what you do or not do. True friends are like pillars you can lean on. I can go on and on. I guess we all know how to identify these friends. They may not necessary be the ones you see often or meet often. *sighz* I miss so many of them. Sometimes I just feel so bad not been able to catch up with them. Timing and lifestyles are different. Looking at it, I guess I am one of those very few left to move on to another stage of life. Don't think that will happen for me...

Was talking to another mate who shares the same job. Only we understand how lonely we can get as we stagger around the world. Cheers to Y.C! Nothing beats travelling with someone close. Besides, it is the moments shared that makes the best memories. It is so difficult to explain, many envious onlookers, but only if you are in it, you will truly understand, it is just not the painted pictures!

So much going on, so little I can do.....

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