15 September 2007

Green Tea Attack

The trip to Nagoya was one filled with memories of food and barbie doll session!Not sushi or sashimi but from green tea sweets to ice cream to tidbits to cakes and biscuits!Not a grooming class but an exchange of "cultural sets of clothes". Made in SIN vs UAE. Ha!

Caught up with a school mate of mine who got me mooncake from Singapore! Yum... Finally catching up with some of the festive mood of home.

The whole meeting was about buying food and eating from the start of the catching up session till the end of it when I fell asleep. Oh ya, not forgetting Asahi black beer we had! It was a great time of chatting and poking fun at each other. For being so thoughtful, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate the time spent yaking of those school days and stuffing down a big fat dessert buffet of our own!

I am feeling very fat since the return but still eating non stop with the green tea stuff I bought. Oh oh... guess I better start burning them off with today... run Bibi run!

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