11 March 2011

The Wonders

They got together somehow in ways no one ever imagined how.

Cruising, fearing. 
Trusting by empowering.

There were rainbows missed 
When their quality time hissed.  

Quarrels there were, which many can be avoided, 
If only there were funnels and they can be filtered. 

Why cuts when it can be sealed with no buts? 
Why buts when they can trust each other with guts? 

How far can they go through, 
Even when the going gets real rough. 

At the end of it, who's left in it? 
True friends? Family? The special someone or people? 
Definitely  not by theft or chance ain't it? 

There are these ones who walk the path with us even when the whole world turns against us. 
Even if there was just one, you are never left alone. 

Gratitude, bottomless, 
Appreciation right from the heart with magnitude.

To walk alone or with those you know you can trust in anything?
Will our own world be complete with nothing? 
When everything is a full stop, 
These are the ones who push and pull us further without asking for anything. 

They just want the best for us by picking up pieces of us.

Life is so short to look at the rights and wrongs. 
We just got to be firm with rights and grow stronger from wrongs. 

Us, our choice. 
Freedom of choice and rejoice. 

No regrets, no tears, just marching on with loves without fears.

Loves who will not forsake and put us at stake. 

It's not being alone in the world, but a caring, sharing, tolerating and loving fold. 
Moving forward together, bold.

When love surrounds there's no going on merry-go-rounds. 
Love makes each other's perfect rounds. 

Love speaks in five different languages. 
Are we all trying to learn them like how the rain is collected in the gauges?  

What belongs together will not be torn easily no matter how. 
Only if the walk consists of each other.... With love. 

The wonders of many relationships will flourish,
Only if people make things simple with nourish.

Hoping The Wonders for you will be in soon! 

03 January 2010

2010 Will Be...

2009 was dramatic, uncertain and dreadful. Ended in a high but not noted. Just as I thought something great will be happening. Work has shadowed my past few months. It will continue to be the shadow for this year.

I am hoping 2010 will be better in terms of work, love, social life, health and life in general. Needing new paths and miracles to set my years in the 30s with more meaning aims. 2010 will be challenging for me to make decisions in life.

Wishing all of you out there a Happy 2010, with double the health, happiness, wealth, love and fun!

20 September 2009

Hate Love

Our lives are shaped by those who love us and by those who refuse to love us. Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest.

You tried to block the memory of one to protect self from pain. No matter how, you are just insignificant. What more can you do but let go knowing hurt will be invited anyway. The seeking of simple love becomes so worn out, it eats one up. Thought there is someone who really cared But it seems that one don't know how.

You hate love after many tries. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one person, no different from any other person, wanders into your stupid life.You give them a piece of you. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you. Then your life isn't your own anymore.

Love takes hostages. It eats you up slowly. It leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like, 'maybe we should just be friends' or 'how very perceptive' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt,It's a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.

The feeling came creeping through and the hurt is still the same. The pain will ease in time and though it's over, the memories at one corner. Will you then try to love again? It ain't love that hurts, it is the absence of it that does. If you cry because the sun has set in your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. So if you continue to let hurt set in your life, your wounds will prevent you from seeing true love. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

To hate or to love... to be hurt or to be love and to love... we all ride on the waves in love. There is true love for everyone. Just in time, not your time... but in time of love, love will set and complete everyone who has faith in it.

01 September 2009


Sounds and sights, our daily fellowship.
Time and tide, awaiting no one.
Family and friends, that kinship.
Who will be there to be the one?

Diminishing is the directions.
Diminishing is the humanity.
Diminishing is the human touch.
Diminishing is the human hearts.

The path is narrowing,
with much to be swallowed.
The time is clicking,
with much to be completed.

Diminishing... small, tiny to microscopic.
Something to nothing and nothing at all.

30 June 2009

Remove, Reinstall, Install

Miss Bibi has not been diligently updating her blog. What has been happening to her? Too much, too many... As she clicked on today's time, she saw in a month down the road, she will turn 30. OMG!!!

Ever since her return to home, she has been through a series of events. Not very "wootzful" but somehow, she got herself there, allowed it further. She finally takes charge and gladly have herself back for recognition. Slowly but surely, things are going to fall in place. Just a matter of time.

Her current challenge is to kick a bad habit of hers for good. Her current heart - beating - along with someone. Her current worries, main - work - which hopefully will clear up real soon. Her current Her - not too healthy - will try gear away n up. Her current feel on social life - time for a change - hunting down places to chill and gather. All in all - CHANGES to be installed. A need to remove, reinstall or install for a better 30 forth.

Not looking forward to the big 30 somehow, however, yearning to welcome certain events in later life........ hoping......